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Heather Luna, Clinical Herbalist, Clinical Nutritionist

Founder & Director of the ACORN School of Herbal Medicine

Heather is the primary instructor of the Footprints program, supporting instructor of the Advanced program, and supervising clinician of the Free Clinic & Clinical Residency program

Heather Luna teaches full time at the ACORN School of Herbal Medicine and oversees the Medicine Garden outdoor learning classroom. She has held a private practice since 2002 and has instructed classes in Western Herbalism since 2006. Her clinical work emphasizes vitalist therapeutics with the use of herbs, nutrition, and Nature Cure practices. This includes custom herbal formulation, individualized nutrition protocols, coaching through food intolerance, therapeutic bodywork and uterine massage.  She specializes in individual support for cultivating healthy lifestyle habits adapted for the conditions of modern living.


Heather is a graduate of the Rocky Mountain Center of Botanical Studies and the North American Institute of Medical Herbalism. After completing 4 years of formal training she continued to pursue private studies under Ann Drucker, Ms. Beatrice Waight, and Paul Bergner. She now maintains hundreds of client case records which illustrate that vitalist strategies work to achieve outstanding clinical results. It is her passion for Nature which guides her practice with the use of herbs, nutrition, bodywork, and apitherapy. Heather holds a lineage in the Vitalist Tradition and has a mission to pass it on.

Would you like Heather to come and teach at your school, conference or event?
Send us a message with more information.

I will respond to your request shortly. Thank you!

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